Mesyuarat Meja Bulat Integriti Korporat Bincang Penganjuran National Convention of Corporate Integrity System

Mesyuarat Meja Bulat Integriti Korporat Bincang Penganjuran National Convention of Corporate Integrity System

Mesyuarat Meja Bulat Integriti Korporat (RTD) Sistem Integriti Korporat Malaysia (CISM) yang pertama bagi tahun 2024 telah diadakan di Hotel Pulse Grande, Putrajaya pada 14 Februari 2024. Mesyuarat RTD CISM telah dipengerusikan oleh Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Institut Integriti Malaysia (IIM), YBhg. Datuk Nor Yahati binti Awang yang juga merangkap Pengerusi RTD CISM. Mesyuarat…

AI can enhance whistleblowing

AI can enhance whistleblowing

The practice treads the line between traditional ethics and modern business practices, and navigates a terrain fraught with cultural and legal complexities. The Malaysian corporate ethos, traditionally respectful of hierarchy, often clashes with an environment open to criticism, leading to a need for protection for whistleblowers. The Whistleblower Protection Act 2010 is a step in…